California State Roleplay Training Guide
Welcome to Florida State Roleplay Training Guide, this guide must always stay in community, you cannot leak this at anytime. If you are caught doing so, you will be blacklisted from server.
Induction Information:
Welcome to California State Roleplay Staff Team, I would like congratulate you on making it this far.
We have some things, we will need to go over before we can move onto the more practical part.
You are to ensure you listen, throughout this training session, make sure you a ready.
Before we start, PTS is now active, you must say "PTS" to speak.
Does any one have any questions before we start?
Before we start can you say DRUAL.
(Safe chat check)
Staff Regulations:
Staff Regulations, will now be covered. Do not speak during this part. Unless PTS is active.
Staff Regulations: All staff members are to comply with the rules and regulations during their time on the staff team.
This means setting a good on the community and staff team. Failure to follow the rules and regulations, will result in infractions or termination.
Respect and Professionalism: While you are off duty, you should always try your best to be professional, this means setting good example towards the community. You must use grammar and treat others with respect, even if they did something wrong.
Drama: We do not allow any form of drama in the server, or even In Game. You must keep it out of the community, and take this to your VIA DM's.
General Knowledge: Is always used in the staff team, you must know the basic rules, punishments and mostly how to maintain a in game server.
On Duty: Whilst on duty, you must follow all traffic laws, use turn signals and stick to the speed limit. If you fail to follow this simple rule, or infractions will be issued.
Moderating: When moderating, a player in game. You must ensure they understand, why they are being punished, and the appropriate action is given.
Leave Of Absence [LOA]: LOA has to be longer than one week with a valid excuse (Such as: Exams, Vacations and sick - Is valid excuse.)
Following Rules: No matter your rank, you are expected to follow the guidelines, rules and Regulations. Failure to do so may results in a infraction.
Main Key: Key is the main guide of being staff here at Florida State Roleplay, to ensure you can maintain a high level of dedication, activity, and most of all respect.
Being Honest: You must be honest towards the other staff members, we are here to help, not fight one another.
Staff Uniforms: You are requested to wear staff uniforms whilst on duty there is no excuse. If you are roleplaying you must take this uniform off.
Listening to HR's: You must listen to the Higher ups, when they are speaking to you, or asking for a request from you.
Last updated