Ride Along Phase
The ride along phase, is now to test there skills on moderation, scene handling and rule breakers. Make sure to be strict on them, during this last phase.
Inducation Information:
Well done on making it this far, in your training session. We will now put you to the real test of moderating, to see what your skills are during this.
We will now be doing a ride along, ensure you understand the basics of moderating.
We want you to be fair, honest and mostly respectful towards the members, who are calling !mod. During this time, we can pause the training.
You are required to log your moderation punishments issued to the players. We expect you to also use Spelling, grammar and mostly Punctuation during this.
You are requested to use the greeting message must say "Hello! I'm (user), my rank is (rank) here with the FSRP Staff Team! How can I help you today?"
Please spawn a undercover vehicle for this training.
Do you agree to not abuse commands during this R/A? You must say "Yes, I agree."
Do you understand you can be staff blacklisted, and term for this. Say "Yes, I Agree."
Ride Along:
When doing this R/A, ping on duty staff to wait 10-30 seconds before teleporting to a call. And ensure they use SpAg during the R/A.
We will now begin when your ready, make sure you to get your greeting message ready!
You will go to the !mod calls, and I will review how you do during this.
Remember to use 4 or more letter commands, when handling a scene.
You need to make sure they have a clip, or 3+ witnesses. I wish you the best of luck.
I can step in at anytime to help you during this.
You will get moderator commands in game, do not abuse these or you will be SBL.
When you have finish the ride along, if they have failed. Remember they get another try at the training.
We will now finish the ride along here, please wait while you get your feedback from your training host.
Say if passed: "Welcome to the team! You have made it into the staff team, and you are now allowed to be alone on duty.
Say if failed: "You have failed todays training, you will be given another chance. Make sure you read the rules, guides and mostly when your ready."