Staff Rules and Guidelines
This section will cover all the staff rules, guidelines and basic knowledge. Whilst being staff at Florida State Roleplay.
We will now be covering our staff rules, and guidelines. This will ensure you know what we except from you as a staff member, here at Florida State Roleplay.
You must listen to these rules, guidelines very closely.
Does anyone have any questions, before we start?
Perfect, PTS is now off. You are to not speak during this.
Staff Rules:
Activity: You must be active during your stay here, this means meeting 3 hours a week. If you fail to meet this, you will be infracted, unless requesting a LOA.
Professionalism: You are always requested to be professional, on duty and in the DC server. You are here to set a good example for this community.
SpAg: spelling, grammar and punctuation is always requested on duty, whilst roleplaying or in the main DC server.
Traffic Laws: All staff no matter their rank, is always requested to follow all traffic laws, sticking to speed limt, and usint turn signals.
Requesting a HR: When staff is requesting a HR+, they are to ping them in the DC, you are to not randomly TP them, or bring them without a valid reason.
Mod Call: Staff are requested to park on the side, with full lights on. Before teleporting to any moderation call.
Commands usage: You are requested to only use cmds on duty, if you caught using them whilst off duty. You will be infracted for this.
Custom Hints: Staff below Junior Admin, must ask for perms to send custom hints such as :m and :h hints.
Common Sense: You must always use common sense, during your time at Florida State Roleplay.
4+ Letter Usage: All staff must always use 4 or more letter command usage, such as kicking, banning or teleporting them to you. There is no excuse for not doing so.
All or others username: There comes when player will have "all or others" as their username, you must use full username when kicking or banning these.
Shift Farming: Do not afk earn shift time! If you do this you will be demoted/suspended and you will lose all your duty time from that week.
Being Fair: Always remember to give out fair warnings, kicks, Bolos and Bans.
Valid Evidence: We do not go by kill logs for evidence, they must have a clip, or 3+ witnesses for valid evidence.
Promotions: Hinting for a promotion, will be simply infraction. You must get 6+ hours on duty, to be ready for a promotion.
Melonly Usage and Link:
We use a moderation bot called "Melonly".
You are requested to join it, during this training session.
The code is "YXGFYK" once you have sent a request, let me know.
And we ask you start your shift, and log all moderations during this training.